Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Communication & Crisis Essay

Many disasters happen around us that we have no control over, nor do we know what the impact will be of these disasters long term and short term. On the environment surrounding us as well as what it may do to our health. Working as the director of health for my region it is my job to stay on top of such issues. Keeping an eye out for such emergencies that may endanger us in our everyday living space and most of all our health. I want to go through how I might deal with such situations and how I would address it head on. While at the same time keeping the public informed without overwhelming them as well as looking at who I would collaborate with to make this situation resolve in the smoothest and best way possible. The issue that has come to my attention is water contamination in a certain area. This contamination is life threatening and needs to be acknowledged and dealt with accurately and promptly. As I am the director of emergency health situations I see myself and the mediator and problem solver between the public (people) and media. Those two things are there for each other but if you are not too careful they can harm each other; giving out too much information or not enough or sometimes the wrong information can be harmful to all parties involved. Having such a situation on had you need to talk to the right people and receive all the right information. I would first go to the areas that have been affected and gather all the proper data and forms that show what chemicals are incorrect causing this contamination. I need this information for hard copy evidence so when I contact the media or speak in public I will have all the proper information. I will also get the CDC involved if they are not already involved. They will be conducting the proper tests and research to discover what the contaminated bacteria is. They will also have the proper protocol in containing it, as well as seeing the damage it has done to people who have ingested it and come in contact  with it. Finding an antidote will be another task they will have. In such a situation you will also get in contact with the proper news channels; national and local. Having my statements ready giving the media and public the help and information that they need. Communicating in any situation has its advantages and setbacks. Working in such a high pace and high stress industry makes communication that much more important and not to mention difficult. Being in the health care industry means you work and deal with a lot of the same people consistently. This at times can be a good thing. You build relationships with them you become accountable to one another, you even learn each other’s communications styles; you become comfortable with them, in some cases they even become your second family. Having that crutch that comfort in such a high stress and high demand career is needed. As I said befor you become accountable to one another and the team work/bond is unbreakable unparalleled. This kind of bond is desperately needed in such careers. Especially when you are dealing with millions of people’s lives, they always count on me as director of emergency health. Providing them with the best and most accurate information, help and solution to our health care crisis, that is no easy task and I cannot do it on my own. I use me organizations from the inside and outside; to give my best and keep our environment safe and clean. This same relationship is needed in any high profile type of career i.e. chief of medicine of a hospital the president of the United States. They all need to have great communication skills with their organizations and network of people. On the other side of the spectrum you can have communication issues that can do more damage than the crisis itself. You not only need to have basic communication skills with your staff and organizations but as we just finished discussing a great understanding and relationship with each other. If someone in the organizations you deal with miscommunicate on purpose for their own personal gain, whether that be to give themselves an advantage or just to give you a disadvantage, that may hinder your ability to protect yourself and the issue you are trying to solve. Giving you more steps to complete, possibly even making you back track. Making sure you have a good relationship and communication relationship with all the organizations you  deal with inside your office and outside is key. Even if you only deal with them occasionally or if you deal with them on a regular basis. Communicating in a non-crisis situation verses a crisis situation can have its differences. The main importance is no matter the situation your communication should be using the basic knowledge of conversing. Communication in a non-crisis is a little more relaxed, yes you still have things to get across to each other and they are somewhat important; but for the most part your emotions are not running high you have yourself composed and thinking rationally. The stakes aren’t usually as high it’s not a life or heath situation. A crisis situation the emotions are running high, you are frazzled thinking a million miles a minute. Dealing with this type of communication crisis at work should be handled with a calm clear and patient mind frame. We obviously know listening is key in any situation especially a crisis situation. I tend to be the listener when it comes to these situations and just in general. Most likely you will have most of the people in the room (people dealing with the crisis) trying to do the talking and not listening and we know communication is not just talking. I’ve learned from experience that you need to be understanding and patient with everyone in the situation, if you want to get anywhere with solving the issue or just communicating what you mean you need to take a minute and just breathe. Personally I have been in such similar situations before and it really makes a difference if you are the one with a cool head. This way of dealing with things can go for a non-health care setting and a health care setting. I am going to give you a personal story that just so happens to be in a health care setting. About 5 years ago my grandmother was hospitalized she had leukemia and lung cancer as well as a case of pneumonia which is why she went to the hospital. While at the hospital she was infected with MRSA. Once she was diagnosed with MRSA our family went into crisis mode because the doctors told us the prognosis was not good at all. She basically had maybe weeks to live. She was put on life support hoping the MRSA was clearing up and my uncles went into their â€Å"communication mode†. There are 7 brothers including my father and they are all stubborn Armenian men who have the worste communication skills ever. The wives know not to get involved too much because if was their mothers life hanging in the balance;  and none of them have any medical background to really understand what is going on and if they should pull the plug of keep her alive with the machines. As we all know doctors can only tell you so much, my sister and I are the listeners of the family and we are the vice of reason when it comes to most anything. We both just so happen to be the only two with medical backgrounds I am a nurse and she is in her medical resid ency. We had to use our knowledge and better communication skills to inform them and really show them that my grandmother was not coming out of this after we had our what I call â€Å"crisis family meeting† they decided to pull the plug that evening and my grandmother passed. In any situation whether it be medical, personal or work related communication is the same. Something that we are just now getting comfortable using in everyday life as well as crisis situations is modern technology for communicating. This is a useful tool that we still need to learn how to properly use it in such crisis situations. Sending out mass email and text messages to keep the public informed, is one of the best ways we can use social media to alert the public of ever changing crisis management issues. This has just recently eveolved into something we use in this capacity. When hurricane Katrina hit we still only used news and it was a â€Å"wow† new idea to check in with loved one over facebook and twitter because all other forms of communication such as phones were down. How 5-10 years makes a world of differences. Finishing off this paper about communicating during a crisis and how you might communicate during a non-crisis be different. How you should and could deal with people that you need to communicate during a crisis. How it really is important and how much of a new role social media is playing in crisis management. Writing this paper really made me think about how important it is to properly communicate with each other whether it’s for work or social. Being a good communicator is a bog key in all parts of life. References de Pre , A. (2005). Communicating about health: current issues and perspectives. : The Mcgraw-Hill. Fulk, J., Schmitz, J., & Ryu, D. (1995, February ). Congnative elements in social construction of communication technology.Manegment Communication Quarterly , 8(3).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

An investigation and analysis of the role of women in contemporary Islam in the context of a multicultural society

When a person thinks of a Muslim woman immediately the image that forms in your mind is one of veils, tent like garb and the word ‘oppression' and ‘suppression' comes to mind. This image of being suppressed and oppressed, being without any rights or social standing is a Western stereotypical view of Muslim women. To understand and appreciate the true essence of Islam it is important to carefully investigate the roles of both Muslim women and men in Islam and the religious authority for these. It is most important to consider what a Muslim woman's rights and obligations are, and how they are lived out in daily life. Alongside this it is relevant to find out how a Muslim woman may be influenced by her family's culture and the traditions and cultures of other peoples in this society. In a multicultural society such as Britain there are many people of different religious backgrounds. Britain today can be seen as a multicultural society or even a secular society, which is not governed by religious laws and certainly not by Shari'ah. Muslims living in Britain today come into day-to-day contact with many ideas, beliefs and practices which are not part of Islam. Analysing how Muslim women can stay true to their Islamic faith in such a society is an integral part of this essay. In Islam family life from many famous scholars is referred to as being the ‘corner-stone of society' as it brings new generations into the world, therefore the parents have very important duties to play. They also have vital duties and obligations towards one-another. The duties of a husband and the wife towards each other are clearly stated in Islam (Qur'an 4:34). This makes the fulfillment of the purpose of marriage easy and removes confusion. The husband's duties include providing food; clothing; accommodation as well as general welfare needs for his wife; she does not have to provide any of these herself from her own property or her earnings, unless she wishes and is able to help her husband. The husband also provides household help for his wife, or helps her himself, as well as giving help to her in training the children. He also must try to satisfy the sexual needs of his wife and treats her with kindness and honour as Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said : â€Å"The best of you is the one who is best to his family, and I am best to my family† Hadith : Al-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah) The wife, for her part is required to obey her husband as leader of the family so long as he does not try to make her disobey Allah. She must look after the home and children, bringing them up as good and righteous people – Allah will ask her about this duty (Hadith Al-Bukhari and Muslim). In her husband's absence she must ensure that no one not approved by her husband is allowed into the home, and also try to satisfy her husband's sexual needs. You can see that the duties of the husband are the rights of the wife, whilst the duties of the wife are the rights of the husband. Allah says: â€Å"†¦ the rights of the wives (with regards to their husbands) are equal to the rights of the husband with regard to them†. (Qur'an 2:228) The Qur'an states: â€Å"They (women) are your garments. And you (men) are their garments†. The words from the Holy Qur'an state precisely how men and women relate to one another – like a body and its garments. Without garments the body is meaningless and vice versa, this symbolizes the complimentary roles a husband and wife play and that they must got together, apart they would have little reason to exist. People in multi-cultural society may have noticed how a large number of Muslim women dress differently from one another, some from head to toe, others in more westernized but unrevealing clothing. This is mainly due to cultural impacts, for e. g. covering a woman's body does not necessarily require her to wear a ‘jilbab' (long dark coat-like dress), Islamically she is required to dress modestly in public. Places like Afghanistan's cultural impacts mean women are forced in the way they are dressed, as they have no choice. â€Å"Say to believing men†¦ nd believing women, that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty.. â€Å"(24:30-31) Living in a multicultural society poses many difficulties for Muslim parents or Muslim's in general. This is because within the sphere of their homes the environment is Islamic and very sheltered. However outside the home Muslim's come into contact with different ideas which can act as obstacles for them. This is because Britain allows what most Islamic societies would not allow for women for example involvement in pornography, modesty of dress, Muslim women do not walk around scantily dressed for example in a bikini. Abortion is not allowed except in exceptional circumstances in Islam whereas it is a common place in Britain. Also divorce is considered one of the worst acts in Islam but like abortion it is a commonplace as well as free mixing between the sexes. This shows that such things are taking place in Britain and that they oppose Islamic teachings. For a Muslim living in a multicultural society some of the issues that arise are usually the differences between secular law versus religious law (shari'ah). The fact that Muslim values are different to secular values and a Muslim lifestyle following such values makes more demands. These issues can cause problems for Muslims, especially the 2nd or third generation who seem to be becoming more and more secular. These youth can be seen to have adopted secular values in their pursuit of status, placing great value in cars, money and other material possessions more than religious values or practice. These remind parents of their native countries, so they arrange marriages for their children to people inn the native countries. What the parents don't realise is these ‘native countries' have become more secular too and that people there have become more westernized. The benefits for Muslims in a multicultural society like Britain is the access to education, there is a greater chance of Muslims obtaining education in this country compared to their ‘slim to none' chances back in their native countries. There is an opportunity to be involved in public life occupation wise. As the government in Britain is not ruled by a specific religion, people are allowed to practice their religion openly, whereas in Turkey a woman is not permitted to wear a headscarf to college, school, or university. Also in communist countries people did not have the right to proclaim what they believed in. Many Muslims in Great Britain are often asked whether they are British or Muslim first. There is a difference of opinion to this answer between the older and younger generations. The younger people tend to say they are British and Muslim whereas the older generation hesitate and reply they are Muslim first. What we should ask ourselves is how come it is only the Muslims this question is posed to? Why not the Christians or the Jews? These kinds of questions are asked for example during the Gulf War or since the incident on September 11th. The Muslims are expected to be on the defensive, as if there is going to be a conflict with being a Muslim and British at the same time. This is the way of thinking for the majority of Non-Muslim British people; it shows their lack of understanding of Islam and their deeply rooted misconceptions concerning the religion. This is also a result of lack of integration between people. The Muslim women that wear veils, head scarves and long flowing clothing are often seen as ‘oppressed' or ‘suppressed' by the majority of Non-Muslims in British society. They see these women as being ‘dominated' by men. In reality the majority of these women wearing veils or such articles of clothing do so voluntarily, the main aim is protection and not oppression. â€Å"Prophet, enjoin in your wives, your daughters and the wives of true believers to draw their veils close around them. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized (as virtuous women) and not molested. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful†. (33:59) It is mistaken to believe that Islam encourages the oppression of women. On the contrary, Islam elevates women in an all-round manner. Islam regards women and men as equals; they both have the same religious duties and get equal rewards. Allah says: â€Å"I will not allow the good deeds of any of you, male or female, to be lost. You (male and female) come from one-another†¦ † (Qur'an 3:195; 4:124) Islam stopped the female infanticide (81:8; 6:151) and promises the reward of paradise to parents who look after their daughters. Muslim women like men are encouraged to acquire education from the cradle to the grave. A Muslim woman retains her legal identity after marriage and can keep her family name. She may seek and obtain divorce if she needs it. She is free to move around in society (with her husbands consent), provided she is modestly dressed and straightforward to avoid molestation by evil men. (Qur'an 33:22-59) As a mother, the greatest respect is paid to her on account of her sacrifices on behalf of her children. (Qur'an 31:13; 46:15) â€Å"Paradise lies at the feet of the mothers†. In Great Britain Islam is a minority religion; it is not the way of life for the majority in this multicultural society. Britain is arguably not religious; therefore it can be seen as a secular society. Its laws do not reflect any particular religions beliefs, however in the past Christianity played a major role in the appointed laws. The society is still influenced by religious values, there are laws protecting what most religions consider sacred or valuable, an example of this is the value religions hold for life. There are laws introduced for the sole purpose of preventing death or injury like how a driver and passengers in a car must wear seat belts. The laws in Britain also evolve around individual religions, for example the law in Britain for people riding a motorcycle is that it is compulsory to wear a crash helmet. In the 1980's the Sikh community complained that it was impossible to do so if they were wearing turbans, the government then made a clause in the law for Sikhs who wore turbans, that when riding a motorbike it wasn't compulsory for them to wear a crash helmet. There are also many problems for Muslims who live in small individual communities that do not integrate with one another. This division often causes misunderstandings between them which results in conflict mostly between the youth of the communities. An incident of this occurred not very long ago in Oldham, between the Pakistani community and the white community. Oldham is one of the most segregated cities in Britain. The white and Pakistani communities have many riots, this is mainly due to lack of integration. To correct this situation faith leaders of the communities should hold regular meetings to discuss and promote interfaith relationships. This encourages less hostile attitudes between the people like in Leister. The majority of Asians came from Africa where they were used to British people, when they came to Britain they could relate to the people more easily than the Asians from Oldham. Another major barrier between people is language and dress. If people cannot communicate with one another it is impossible for interfaith relationships. It is also quite common for people from different racial backgrounds to stereotype Muslims by the way the women dress. As they find it foreign they cannot form a relationship with them, this results in people perceiving Muslims with hostility. In conclusion to this essay I believe there should be more interfaith relationships and language barriers should be broken down, this way people from different cultural and racial backgrounds can relate to one-another and not stereotype or generalize. There should be more integration especially in schools, also there shouldn't be segregated communities, people from different nationalities should live together. There already is an increase in women choosing there marriage partners, and women having children later on in life so they can actively partake in more career based roles. Due to the education in this country it is estimated that after a couple of generations language barriers would be broken down, that more Westernized dress would be adapted to in a way that seems Islamic and women would take up more prominent roles in the Islamic and in wider communities. This could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage, there could be spokeswomen who is highly educated in the fields of politics and other high profile careers, this way they could be interviewed by the media and as a result the general Non-Muslim public would be more aware of Islamic teachings and see it in a more acceptable and not so negative light. This is the possible future for Muslim women in this multicultural society. However, my personal opinion as a Muslim living in British society would be that it is important to remember that though these women may become more prominent in secular society as Islam's â€Å"leading women†, they would be placed under a negative light from fellow Muslims. These women in partaking such active roles would be leaving their idealistic obligatory role as according to Islam, also to get to this ‘possible future' would mean many rules would have to be broken, twisted or forgotten completely. According to Islam a woman's true worth would be greatly acknowledged if her duty at home first is complete.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Agri-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Agri-Business - Essay Example The key success factor of Farmers Haven shall be its freshness and its purity in terms of organic nature of farming. The company shall brand itself as a high quality food supplier using best quality genomes for its produce. The paper is a detailed business plan that begins with a discussion of company’s objectives and mission. The paper identifies the key success factors of the business and goes forth to discuss the company’s key operations and products, its location geographies and facilities. The paper also discusses a detailed marketing strategy for the company highlighting its target market and key competitors. Under strategy implementation, the paper brings in the competitive edge for farmers Haven, its marketing strategy, pricing strategy, sales strategy and strategic alliances. The financial plan is the key to a comprehensive idea about the sources of funds and how they shall be utilised in the business processes. The financial summary also presents a pro-forma balance sheet and income statement presenting forecasts based on estimated figures based on ascertainable assumptions. Through the detailed discussion, the paper aims to provide a complete outlook on the proposed business pl an and its viability in the future. Farmers Haven shall be formed with the acquisition of the Knocktim Dairy Cottage and shall be working towards developing the fertile land into a full-fledged farming area producing high quality farm produce including fruits, vegetables, poultry produce and horticulture products. The 3 acre land shall be put to use in its fullest potential by farm managers and the owner who have the most extensive knowledge and experience in the farming business. The region of operations is located within an area of Scotland that is highly fertile and also attracts a lot of tourists for its natural beauty. The land is to be acquired for farming was primarily engaged in the dairy activities and it shall be strategically divided

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Fifth Replies of Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Fifth Replies of Descartes - Essay Example The Fifth Replies of Descartes The argument in question is the argument of Discourse. The problem with this counter argument is the inherent bias. There is a premise and theres a conclusion if one accepts the premise the conclusion must be accepted. Renà ©e Descartes says that he knows he exists it is inherent that he knows what he is and what his nature is, it is the very definition of establishing his existence. This knowledge (of existing) cannot be separated from the knowledge of what that existence is about. This point can be elaborated through an example for instance one sees a bottle of water. His eyes tell him that it is there. Since this person has the premise that what his eyes see is in fact real (or existing) it means that he knows that the bottle exists. When he say that it exists it means it has certain properties that indicate that it exists. No one can say that something exists without acknowledging the properties. Existence without the knowledge of its properties is even more illogical than deriving a conclusion that existence of self also encompasses the nature of self. When Renà © Descartes say that he thinks therefore he exists, it means that he is aware of what he is and what his nature is. Otherwise there is no existence. Every existence has its properties; be it divine authority like God or as trivial as a plastic water bottle. The objection of Descartes’s claim rests with the understanding of premise. If the critics accept the premise when Renà ©e says that something exists, he also bases this by understanding some properties.

The city 'Istanbul' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The city 'Istanbul' - Essay Example Turkey has a distinguished history and culture that tourists may learn about in their visit to this precious country and especially Istanbul city. The history of Istanbul dates back to the prehistoric times where about 300,000 years ago, Istanbul gave her land for settlement in the Yarimburgaz cave near Kuck Cekmece lake (Istanbul guide, n.p.). Another interesting piece of history about Istanbul is the conquering of the city by Sultan Mehmet in 1453 (Istanbul guide, 1997). Recently, Istanbul bears the prestige of developing and implementing the modern city plans that have remarkable sites and effective transportation and housing. Having no congestion and traffic jams, Istanbul is considered as the city of time. Istanbul boasts of the fact that the historical Istanbul and present have remarkably close similarities in both architecture of the buildings and preservation of the old but elegant structures. Turkey has many elegant landmarks to see like the Beyazit Tower, City walls Galata tower among others. Istanbul also has beautiful parks such as Arboretum, Beykoz woods, Cekmece lakes and Emirgan woods among others. These parks will take a tourist to the state of peace and oneness with nature. In the past half, a century, Istanbul has experienced extensive swatches of urban hinterland build upon industry, housing and infrastructure projects (Bowden, 52). Istanbul is particularly colorful in terms of its culture and art. It is home to the music and opera festivals held annually since the Turkish government policy of the 1930s to institutionalize and teach performance of polyphonic music and opera (Wikipedia, n.p). Apart from the annual festivals, orchestras, concerts and jazz legends continue to entertain and display culture in theaters all year round. Istanbul is also famous for hosting international artists. The Pera museum has hosted exhibitions of the world’s famous artist and has a remarkable reputation. Apart from the Pera museum,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

State Bank of India Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

State Bank of India - Essay Example In fact, after five years of deliberations, the chairman reflected bank’s achievements on the attribute of positive attitude regained by leadership thought. This opened up avenues through which the chairman shifted the focus to start aiming at being among the top twenty banks in the world. With such deliberations, the concern is on how the bank has been performing, what contributed to its advancements, the challenges it met along the journey, the opportunities available, its current weaknesses, and the potential it has in order to go to higher horizons. In light with this, the following section will evaluate on the current bank’s situation. This will give an insight and overview of the potential that the bank has in terms of advancing or deteriorating (Samuelson 1980). SBI profile: the primary internal and external influences on State Bank of India One theory that can be put into the context of explaining the primary internal and external influences on state bank is the ory of planed behavior. This theory can be applicable in explaining why, for example, people have a perception the SBI is a good bank. It takes several strategic measures for the internal management of the bank to put incentives that change the view of customers in relation to services offered by the bank. In order for employees to be able to perform well in their duties, they need to have a good attitude towards both the organisation and the customers. In essence, theory of planned behavior argues that, the attitude toward a behavior changes individual behavioral intentions (Ajzen 2007). In this regard, due to good employee incentives offered by the bank, employees are able to have a positive attitude towards the bank, something that results in top performance. In addition, organisation and management theory argues that organisations must understand both internal and external factors in order to succeed in their business. This can be analyzed to be the case in SBI. For example, on his reflection of the journey, in 2011, the chairman admitted that the bank has been the largest commercial bank in India. According to the chairman, this has been a journey full of transformations, which focused on changing its hierarchy, transaction orientation, customer focus, government ownership, and change of technological advancement, which has made it to be a universal bank. After Bhatt took over its leadership, he talked of transforming the leadership of SBI in order to propel it further. By 2010, SBI had doubled its profits and regained market share, something that led to the bank being awarded the ‘achievement award’ for the strongest bank in the Asian pacific region. In this regard, it is apparent that the change of leadership exhibited by Bhatt was very instrumental in taking the bank to new levels (Rust and Zahorik 1993). Therefore, analytically, it can be argued that apart from adopting all necessary technology and other strategies in business, leadership plays an indispensable role in development of any organisation (Yeung, Ging and Ennew 2002). By 2011, SBI was 43rd largest bank in the world taking a capitalization of over $ 36.5 billion in. By that time, SBI had more than 267,000 employees and with 18,000 branches and 25,000 ATMs. In this year, it made profits of $ 2.6 billion. However, the journey of SBI has been a long one since its establishment in 1806. Some years down the line, the bank was granted the right to issue currency; something updated it into the status of a presidency bank. At that time, the bank was partly owned by the government and part by private individuals. One of the parties that have had influence on

Friday, July 26, 2019

Paper on The Blue Hotel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Paper on The Blue Hotel - Essay Example In this story by Stephen Crane the theme of conflicts scores over other themes. The conflicts relate to Swede and societal reaction to his self-destructive individuality. The detailing of the theme reveals how Crane challenged such situations. Let’s take the example of Swede’s disposition to life. He strongly feels that everyone in the Blue Hotel wants to kill him. His fear is unfounded and no backgrounder information is provided or logic is given for the lurking fear in his mind. This indicates that conflict is the inherent part of his personality and that is the reason for him to surmise that those in the hotel are angry with him and they want to kill him. Even if it is assumed that he is paranoid being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, why the thought of killing only should float in his mind. This indicates the basic self-destructive behavior of Swede. Next, Swede picks up a fight with Johnny. The first phase of violence doesn’t produce any tangible res ults, and his second bout of aggression after he defeats Johnny in the fight, takes him to death. In a fight this time with a gambler, Swede is stabbed to death. This is a pointer, according to Crane, the things to happen when humankind as a whole takes to self-destruction, inviting disaster that will ultimately lead to total annihilation of the human race itself. Nature will not target human race alone in isolation for destruction. Plant and animal kingdoms also will perish to a great extent. The author of any novel/story, howsoever intelligently may try to sweep under the carpet events related to his life, will reveal something about one’s own psychology and attitudes to life, through the dialogues, and actions of his characters. This is true of Stephen Crane (1871-1900). He died at the age of 28 and thus he belongs to the younger generation, which is combustible. The grinding poverty he suffered all through his adult life and his poor standard of living has something to do with his arrogant social disposition. Added to the problem, he had a poor health record, suffered from tuberculosis, and contacted malaria and failed to take proper care of himself. Not caring for one’s health is again an act of self-destruction and that attitude has to find expression is his literary works and the same has happened in this story through the character of Swede. Did he feel isolated from the society and his surroundings? It must be so as reflected in his disposition. He acted like a rebel against all the established societal norms while interacting in a group. Swede seems to have the permanent grudge against the society and it is revealed in his small and big actions, right from his induction into the plot of the story. That grudge is the root-cause of his self-destructive behaviour. The group referred to in the Blue Hotel is a miniature model of the society and Swede picks up serious quarrels with those present there on one issue or the other. He creates iss ues out of no issues. He seems to have formed certain fixed negative opinions about the society. The reasons could be his upbringing and the adverse circumstances that he had to face early on in life. Nature seems to read the dormant agitations in his mind and as he arrives at the Palace Hotel along with two others, a blizzard develops and everyone stands isolated at the hotel. In the blizzard normal vision is impaired, one cannot see the surroundings properly, and Crane has used the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case Study Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Case Study Analysis - Essay Example Sam is a self-employed carpenter and has had difficulty securing regular work. Sam is becoming quite annoyed at the situation and has expressed to Myra his disappointment that she has not being able to confront Connor. Myra has been referred by her GP to the local community health center for counselling. You are a social work student on placement at the center. Your supervisor would like you to meet with Myra and identify her needs for counselling. Myra’s case is a case of workplace harassment where an employee infringes on her space as a team member making her life miserable as she serves at the company. Connor a fellow employee who has been sending her suggestive messages may not be aware of the situation she is putting her in considering that we are not told whether Myra has expressed her disappointment with his behavior. This is a form of sexual harassment which can be classified a gender based harassment. Unwelcome conduct is classified as conduct that makes the recipient uneasy or makes him/her feel offended. Sexual attraction is a normal phenomenon in any workplace but the advances made in respect to that should not infringe on the space and rights of the recipient. This is unlawful. However, one should make the individual who is making the unwarranted advances aware that they are not welcome. Legal measures should be taken if the same continues despite the measures being taken to address the issue. The AASW Code of Ethics is clear on the professional boundaries that should be maintained by the social workers or any employees in a given workplace set up. First, it condemns any engagement in any form of sexualized conduct with a person whom they are directly involved in a professional relationship (p. 22). Second social workers are not supposed to engage in any sexualized conduct with a person with whom they were

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

THEFT FROM VEHICLE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

THEFT FROM VEHICLE - Essay Example The considerations should include C* Information such as CCTV footage capturing the potential suspect on the park should be availed to the officer on patrol. Under the Golden Hour principle the officer must take this information to further identify the suspect: statements, documents, physical exhibits from the suspect, fingerprints and other recordings such as audio and video. Police Officers and Police Staff of Requirements to Record Public Encounters. The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 1(1.1) the police have been empowered to stop and search potential suspects in a fair, responsible and with respect, and without unlawful discrimination. E* Given the information provided by police intelligence, the police has the power to carry out search given the reasonable cause for suspicion. This is protected under the Code of Practice A: Police Officers of Statutory Powers of Stop and Search Police Officers and Police Staff of Requirements to Record Public Encounters. The Police and criminal Act 1984 2(2.1) (a). This is an issue of professional information and the reliability of the information dispensed to the officer. Q4 Describe the application of relevant legislation, service requirements, national guidelines and personal responsibilities (including level of training and duty of care) that relate to managing conflict In overall, and from training, a police officer must use force only when they feel they are in danger. However, under the law the police of the rank of the constable have been given discretion to determine the level of appropriateness and necessity of the use of force. G*In line with current police practice and the PACE Act of 1984 a police officer before conducting a search of a potential suspect without arrest must politely and positively identify himself/herself. The potential suspect then will be informed to raise their hands while their

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Leadership Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Leadership Plan - Assignment Example The case study describes two significant leadership roles in the form of Vince Brofft and Kelly Mueller. The daughter and father are both dedicated leaders of their own family business, American Tool & Die. The changing scenario of the market had put excessive pressure on some of the local communities as more number of foreign automakers was grabbing the market share. In such a scenario the major goal of Kelly Mueller had been to adapt to the changing situations and shifting the business of AT&D from Michigan to Mississippi. This would eventually cause adverse effects on 195 employees as they have to get detached from their families. The concept of moral compass can be effectively incorporated in the attitude of Kelly Mueller with respect to her vision implementation. It can stated that she was more concerned with the future of these employees who were like a family to her, and she was more focused than her father in respect to goal orientation. Kelly Mueller was not a social architect rather she was more focused towards sustainability of her business. As a leader she was finding opportunities for her company so that she can take out her business from the financially unstable situation. As a leader of AT&D she was able to analyze well the potential problems surrounding the organization and take appropriate measures so as to overcome those problems. Kelly Mueller adopted the leadership role of directing its workforce towards success of the organization. She was not very determined towards following the traditional approach of leadership that focused more on coaching and supporting the employee base for business operations (Cameron, 2008). In context of moral compass Kelly Mueller can effectively put forward the virtue that decision she was taking to shift the plant was for sustainability of the business and also for the benefit of all those families of her workforce who were totally dependent on the business operations of AT &D. Her decision can

Monday, July 22, 2019

The British involvement Essay Example for Free

The British involvement Essay During the early stages of the airlift, the British committed around 150 C-47 Dakotas and 40 Avro Yorks to the cause of the airlift. The Dakotas and the Yorks were reinforced by 10 Short Sunderland and Short Hythe flying boats in July. By July 18, the Royal Air Force planes were already airlifting more than 5,000 tons of assorted supplies of goods every day. The flying boats were specifically used in transporting bulk salt because salt would have proven too corrosive when loaded in the other types of planes being used in the airlift. They were flying to the Havel river from their starting point at the Elbe near Hamburg. Sometime in November 1948, the British airlift fleet was further reinforced by several Handley Page Hastings aircraft. The Royal Air Force was able to land 100,000 tons of assorted supplies in Berlin by mid-December (Berlin Blockade). The Negotiations During the early days of the airlift, the allied forces were worried that it might eventually fail. So as an alternative, ambassadors from the Allied countries decided to negotiate with Stalin. During the negotiations, Stalin demanded that the Allies withdraw their Deutschmark and replaced by the eastern zone’s Ostmark. In addition, Stalin demanded that the future of Germany should again be taken up. However, the emissaries from the Allied camp told him that although they were open to negotiation as far as the issue of the currency was concerned, the future of Germany or specifically the creation of a West German state was non-negotiable. However, Stalin did not give in to the Allied demands because he sincerely believed that the Berlin Blockade would succeed and force the allies to negotiate. Even the United Nations attempted to mediate between the two camps to no avail (Wilde). However, although the airlift continued to be a success, Clay still saw a potential danger. He expressed his desire for a continued thrust towards achieving a diplomatic solution to the Berlin problem. According to him, the airlift would only â€Å"add to the prestige of the Western Powers as long as diplomatic avenues to gain a settlement continued. † His view was shared by Dean Acheson of the State Department. In fact, the State Department was already exercising an initiative of its own without informing even Clay in Germany about it for security reasons. The State Department initiative was anchored on Stalin’s remark which he made to Kingsbury Smith concerning the possibility of lifting the blockade. Based on said remark, a State Department initiative was started through private channels without the knowledge of the American officials in Berlin. It was also hidden from the French and British. Only President Truman, Dean Acheson, and selected officials of the Department of State knew of the initiative (Giangreco and Griffin [a]). Acheson chose Philip Jessup, then deputy chief of the United States Mission to the United Nations in New York to serve as his private channel. Jessup was given the instruction of discreetly contacting Jacob Malik, the United Nations representative of the USSR, and ask him whether â€Å"Stalin’s omission of the Berlin currency problem in his answer to Smith was significant. † The first contact between the two men took place on February 15, 1949, and after only a month, Malik informed Jessup that the omission was â€Å"not accidental. † Based on this response, discreet inquiries followed between the two men. They discussed the possible conditions that would influence Stalin to lift the blockade. According to Malik, a possible condition would be if a meeting of a Council of Foreign Ministers could be definitely scheduled for the purpose of discussing the German question in its entirety (Giangreco and Griffin [a]). Aside from the Jessup-Malik negotiation, several negotiations of critical importance were also going on during the early part of 1949. One of these concerned the pact creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). When the NATO pact was ready for signature, the foreign ministers of Great Britain and France went to Washington sometime during the first week of April, 1949 for the signing ceremony. It was only then and there that they were informed of the discussion which was taking place between Jessup and Malik. The two foreign ministers then gave their authority to Jessup to speak for their behalf. On April 5, Jessup advised Malik that the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France were aware that their secret discussions only concerned two points. The first is the â€Å"simultaneous lifting of the blockade and counterblockade† imposed by the western powers. The other is the fixing of the Council of Foreign Ministers’ meeting aimed at discussing the German problem. However, Jessup also informed Malik that the preparations being made by the three countries for the creation of a West German state would not be postponed or suspended before the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers could be held (Giangreco and Griffin [a]). On April 8, the Western Powers issued a communique concerning their agreement with regards the creation of West German state. Two days after this, Jessup was informed by Malik that it was the understanding of the USSR that the West German state would not be created â€Å"before or during the scheduled Council of Foreign Ministers meeting. † However, Jessup was instructed to reject as diplomatically as possible the interpretation of the USSR. However, part of his instruction was to inform Malik that if the USSR acted quickly, the provisional West German state could not yet be established before the meeting of the council, explaining that several steps would have to be taken before such a state could be established (Giangreco and Griffin [a]). The negotiation between Jessup and Malik continued throughout the last week of April. However, flare-ups occurred which threatened the diplomatic settlement to lift the blockade. For instance, the British wanted â€Å"specificity regarding the restrictions to be lifted and written agreement on Western Power access to Berlin. † The United States, on the other hand, with the support of the French, wanted the issuance of a â€Å"broad statement on lifting restrictions and silence on access. † The Americans did not want to be specific because of the experience of the Military Governor whose negotiation with the Russians during the early part of September of 1948 bogged down because of his insistence of specifics. After being made to understand of this risk, the British finally agreed to do away with the specifics (Giangreco and Griffin [a]).

Adenosine Triphosphate and Aerobic Respiration Essay Example for Free

Adenosine Triphosphate and Aerobic Respiration Essay Comparison chart Embed this chart Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration DefinitionAerobic respiration uses oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen; the process uses a respiratory electron transport chain but does not use oxygen as the electron acceptors. Cells that use itAerobic respiration occurs in most cells. Anaerobic respiration occurs in bacteria, yeasts, some prokaryotes, erythrocytes (red blood cells), and in muscle cells. Production of lactic acidDoes not produce lactic acidProduces lactic acid (in lactic acid fermentation but not in alcoholic fermentation) Amount of energy releasedHigh (36-38 ATP molecules)Low (2 ATP molecules) ProductsCarbon dioxide, water, ATPLactic Acid Fermentation lactic acid, ATP Alcoholic Fermentation ethyl alcohol, ATP, carbon dioxide Reactantsglucose, oxygenglucose Site of reactionsCytoplasm and mitochondriaCytoplasm StagesGlycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport ChainGlycolysis, Fermentation combustioncompleteincomplete Contents: Aerobic vs Anaerobic Respiration The process of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration 1. 1 Fermentation in anaerobic respiration 1. 2 Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration 2 Energy efficiency of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration 3 Video comparing Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration 4 References The process of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration The sugar molecules stored in the food are broken apart through enzyme-mediated reactions and the energy released is absorbed by cells. This process is much more effective in the presence of oxygen through aerobic respiration. Aerobic respiration requires oxygen in order to generate energy (ATP). It is the preferred method of pyruvate breakdown from glycolysis and requires that pyruvate enter the mitochondrion in order to be fully oxidized by the Krebs cycle. The product of this process is energy in the form of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate), by substrate-level phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2. Anaerobic and aerobic respiration share the initial pathway of glycolysis but aerobic metabolism continues with the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. The post glycolytic reactions take place in the mitochondria in eukaryotic cells, and in the cytoplasm in prokaryotic cells. Fermentation in anaerobic respiration Without oxygen, pyruvate is not metabolized by cellular respiration but undergoes a process of fermentation. The pyruvate is not transported into the mitochondrion, but remains in the cytoplasm, where it is converted to waste products that may be removed from the cell. This serves the purpose of oxidizing the hydrogen carriers so that they can perform glycolysis again and removing the excess pyruvate. This waste product varies depending on the organism. In skeletal muscles, the waste product is lactic acid. This type of fermentation is called lactic acid fermentation. In yeast, the waste products are ethanol and carbon dioxide. This type of fermentation is known as alcoholic or ethanol fermentation. The ATP generated in this process is made by substrate phosphorylation, which is phosphorylation that does not involve oxygen. Krebs cycle in aerobic respiration The Krebs cycle (also known as the citric acid cycle, or the tricarboxylic acid cycle) is a series of enzyme-catalysed chemical reactions, which is of central importance in aerobic respiration. the citric acid cycle is part of a metabolic pathway involved in the chemical conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins into carbon dioxide and water to generate a form of usable energy. Other relevant reactions in the pathway include those in glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation before the citric acid cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation after it. Therefore, carbohydrates break into sugar and then into ATP. The overall process of aerobic respiration can be understood by the following reaction. C6H12O6 + 6O2 + 6H2O ——gt; 6CO2 + 12H2O + energy. Energy efficiency of aerobic vs anaerobic respiration Aerobic metabolism is 19 times more efficient than anaerobic metabolism (which yields 2 mol ATP per 1 mol glucose). Anaerobic respiration is less efficient at using the energy from glucose since 2 ATP are produced during anaerobic respiration per glucose, compared to the 38 ATP per glucose produced by aerobic respiration. This is because the waste products of anaerobic respiration still contain plenty of energy. Ethanol, for example, can be used in gasoline (petrol) solutions. Glycolytic ATP, however, is created more quickly. For prokaryotes to continue a rapid growth rate when they are shifted from an aerobic environment to an anaerobic environment, they must increase the rate of the glycolytic reactions. Thus, during short bursts of strenuous activity, muscle cells use anaerobic respiration to supplement the ATP production from the slower aerobic respiration, so anaerobic respiration may be used by a cell even before the oxygen levels are depleted, as is the case in sports that do not require athletes to pace themselves, such as sprinting. Video comparing Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration References http://en. wikipedia. org/w/index. php? title=Cellular_respirationoldid=320134686 Related Comparisons Oxygen vs Ozone Oxygen vs Ozone Mitosis vs Meiosis Mitosis vs Meiosis DNA vs RNA DNA vs RNA Photosynthesis vs Respiration Photosynthesis vs Respiration Mold vs Yeast Mold vs Yeast Comments: Aerobic Respiration vs Anaerobic Respiration Facebook Anonymous (4) Stay informed Get email alerts when new comparisons are published in these categories: Science L Biology Related Comparisons Oxygen vs Ozone Mitosis vs Meiosis DNA vs RNA Photosynthesis vs Respiration Mold vs Yeast Follow Diffen Make Diffen Smarter. Log in to edit comparisons or create new comparisons in your area of expertise! Sign up  » Top 5 Comparisons 1. Democrat vs Republican 2. Animal Cell vs Plant Cell 3. Meiosis vs Mitosis 4. Affected vs Effected 5. 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Sunday, July 21, 2019

How Do the Media Shape Public Attitude to Welfare Provision?

How Do the Media Shape Public Attitude to Welfare Provision? How do the media shape public attitudes to welfare provision? Research has shown that in previous spells of economic crisis that the public’s attitude to welfare provision grows more sympathetic (Taylor-Gooby, 2004, as cited in Clery, 2012: 2) and, therefore, during the current economic crisis within the UK, we would expect that this trend would continue. Clery (2012: 17), however, found that the public are more sceptical about the welfare system and that there is ‘less enthusiasm about public spending on all types of benefits and an increasing belief that the welfare system encourages dependence’. The media is widely cited as being a cause of this shift in public attitude to welfare provision. The ubiquitousness of the media gives potential to ‘educate, raise consciousness and shape public attitudes’ (Kinder, 1998 as cited in Bullock, 2001: 229) on issues, such as welfare, particularly when there is no personal experience or background knowledge of the issue. There are many news stories which highlight a high proportion of fraud within the welfare system, primarily focusing on single parents, unemployed and disabled. Benefit fraud has always been an issue but ‘there is very little evidence to suggest that fraud is a major problem.however, there is a widespread belief that the system is riddled with fraud’ (Spicker, 2011). Evidence from DWP (2014) suggests that official and claimant error is actually higher than benefit fraud within the UK (see Figure 1.1) and fraud by unemployed claiming Jobseekers allowance is at the lower end of the scale (Figure 1.2). Figure 1.1: Estimated percentage of expenditure overpaid due to fraud, claimant error and official error since 2005/06 Source: DWP Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/2013 (Great Britain) Figure 1.2: Which Benefit has the Most Fraud and Error Overpayment Source: DWP Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/2013 (Great Britain) Another frequent story within the British media is that of single mothers abusing the welfare system, thus labelling all single mothers and attaching a stigma of the ‘welfare queen who exploits the system to live a lavish lifestyle’ (Lipset, 1990, as cited in Bullock et al, 2001: 230). Wilthorn (1996, as cited Bullock et al, 2001: 234) demonstrated that welfare recipients are one of the most hated and stereotyped groups in contemporary society and a series on poverty by Parisi (1998, as cited in Clawson and Trice, 2000: 54) illustrated how the ‘media perpetuate stereotypes of the poor as lazy, sexually irresponsible and criminally deviant’. Larsen and Dejgaard (2013: 288) argue that such stereotypical images created by portrayal of welfare recipients in the media are difficult to remove and that they have a significant impact on the public determining whether they perceive claimants to be deserving or not. Stereotyping these groups ‘acts both as a justificatory device for categorical acceptance or rejection†¦to maintain simplicity in perception and in thinking’ according to Allport (1954; 1979: 192). Sotorovic (2000: 269) demonstrates, however, that journalists believe they accurately report on issues which are important and reflect the public’s point of view, however the opinion of Jones (2014: URL) contradicts this: ‘The Government and†¦the media have fed us a relentless, poisonous diet of â€Å"skivers† and â€Å"scroungers†, of the feckless and workshy hiding behind blinds, subsidised by you, the hard-working taxpayer, who have to get up in the morning and slog your guts out. It was the behaviour of those at the top of society which led to a surge in unemployment†¦ and hundreds of thousands driven to food banks in one of the richest countries on earth†¦. it is the behaviour of those at the bottom of society that has been scrutinised, poked, criticised, and demonised’. There are some claimants who take advantage of the system and live off the taxpayer, however the minority who do are thrown into the public’s eye through competitive truth-stretching headlines, selective reporting and pictures to provide ‘texture, drama and detailed images’ which illustrate the ‘taken for granted’ and the ‘goes without saying’ FIGURE 2: NEGATIVE VOCABULARY IN NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ON WORKING AGE BENEFITS: CONSISTENT TITLES, 1995-2011 Source: Turn2Us (2012: 41) (Clawson and Trice, 2000: 55), giving the perception that the UK has a culture of worklessness. The idea of ‘worklessness’ could be dispersed by the results of a survey conducted by the IFS on the UK benefit system where it was found that the majority of the welfare budget was paid to the elderly (42.3%), and only 2.57% paid to the unemployed (IFS, 2012: URL). Respondents in a poll carried out by the TUC wrongly believed that 41% of the welfare budget was paid to the unemployed (TUC, 2013: URL). There has been an increase in negative language used by the media over the past 10 years (Figure 2) with language referring to non-reciprocity/lack of effort escalating at the time of New Labour’s third term reforms and the Conservative’s ‘Broken Britain’ agenda. It could be argued that this marked a shift in the public discourse of welfare in the UK to an ‘essentially individualistic ethic of responsibility’ (Dean, 2004: 78). The negative language seen within media in the UK does not appear cross-nationally. Larsen and Dejgaard (2013) argue that this is due to institutional models of welfare and the UK’s move from a soft social democratic regime to a harsh liberal one which creates deservingness discussions in the media, often highlighting laziness as the cause of poverty which may be due to the liberal ideologies of individualism and responsibility. The study found that media within the contrasted Nordic social democratic countries tended to focus on welfare in a more positive light referring to the ‘deserving poor’, with no blame on the claimants. It would appear that the high levels of perceived undeservingness and the negativity towards the poor and welfare recipients may be due to the means-tested and non-contributory welfare system in the UK (Larsen, 2006, as cited in Larsen, 2013). Larsen (2013: 298) also suggested that political orientation may be reason for the negative depict ion within the media, particularly given the scandals surrounding the Murdoch Empire. At the time of the Conservative’s election manifesto, The Sun Newspaper publicly announced that they had lost faith in the Labour party and would support the Conservatives in the upcoming election (Brook and Wintour, 2009: URL) to fix the broken society which we live in. This support of one of the largest newspapers within the United Kingdom may have had a large impact on their reader’s opinion, shaping their belief that society was broken, and a change in government with subsequent welfare reform was required to make it better, rather than looking at the real broken Britain: the reasons for the economic crisis rather than focusing on the vulnerable, the reasons for high unemployment and the  £25b outstanding from wealthy tax dodgers. It leads to an argument whether the media should be able to publicly support any governmental party or whether they should remain impartial rather than inflict their political ideology onto the public. Liberal ideology and social class also had a strong influence in the reporting of two missing girls, Madeleine McCann and Shannon Matthews. Whilst both girls were around the same age, their different class backgrounds demonstrated media bias in the reporting of the two cases and there was belief amongst the media that Madeleine was worth more as she was from a middle class background and a substantially higher reward was offered for her safe return. On the other hand, Shannon’s disappearance was used as a political tool on ‘scroungers’ and ‘to fix broken Britain’ (Jones, 2012). The signs are that the media is and will become more dominated by the most privileged (The Sutton Trust, 2006) which will create further bias and inequality within the industry, therefore The National Union of Journalists need to toughen up, ensuring that journalists operate ethically and morally and not as they did in the Matthews case. The media has been the most widely cited cause of influencing public attitudes, it is however clear that there are other factors: ‘the image of claimants as social parasites was evident long before the press became a major factor influencing opinions; the rejection of the dependent poor goes much deeper’ (Spicker 1984, as cited in Turn2Us, 2012: 54). The media, policy and the public are interconnected and they can influence each other, however the media has the opportunity and the power to reach the widespread public through newspapers, television, social media etc. It stands that if the media continue to use their ideological-driven partisan reporting to fuel misconceptions rather than give facts, the era of welfare cuts and austerity will prolong with the eventual demise of the welfare state, as believed by almost 60% of voters in a survey by commissioned by Christian Think Tax, Theos (Press Association, 2014: URL). A healthy media would stand up to the powerful and we althy to change the myths and prejudices (Jones, 2014) and protect the vulnerable as the modern welfare state intended. Word count: 1478 References Allport, G W (1954/1979). ‘The Nature of Prejudice’. Cambridge, MA. Perseus Books. Brooke, S and Wintour, P (2009). ‘Sun turns its back on Labour after 12 years of support’, available at [accessed 18 February 2014]. Bullock, H E (2001). Media Images of the Poor, Journal of Social Issues, 57(2): 229-246. Clawson, R A and Trice, R (2000). ‘Poverty as we know it: media portrayals of the poor’. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 64 (1): 53–64. Clery, E (2012). ‘Are tough times affecting attitudes to welfare?’, British Social Attitudes: the 29th report, available from [accessed 27 December 2013]. Dean, Hartley (2004). Popular discourse and the ethical deficiency of Third Way conceptions of citizenship. Citizenship studies, 8 (1). pp. 65-82. Department of Work and Pensions (2014). Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/13 Estimates (Great Britain), available at [accessed 12 February 2014]. Institute of Fiscal Studies (2012). A Study of the UK Benefit System, available at [accessed 16 February 2014]. Jones, O (2014). ‘Benefits Street: A Healthy media would stand up to the powerful and wealthy. Ours targets the poor and voiceless’, available at [accessed 12 January 2014]. Jones, O (2014). ‘Owen Jones: My latest battle to stop the demonisation of people on benefits’, available at [accessed 18 February 2014]. Jones, O. (2012). ‘The strange case of Shannon Matthews’, Chapter 1 in Chavs. The demonization of the working class, London and New York: Verso. Larsen, C A and Dejgaard, T E (2013). ‘The institutional logic of images of the poor and welfare recipients: A comparative study of British, Swedish and Danish newspapers’, Journal of European Social Policy, 23(3): 287-299. Press Association (2014). ‘Voters gloomy on future of welfare’, available at [accessed 20 February 2014]. Sotirovic, Mira (2000). Effects of Media Use on Audience Framing and Support for Welfare. Mass Communication and Society, 3(2-3): 269-296. Spicker, P (2011). ’How social security works: An introduction to Benefits in Britain’. Bristol, The Polity Press. The Sutton Trust (2006). ’The Educational Backgrounds of Leading Journalists’, available at [accessed 2 February 2014]. Trade Union Congress (2013). YouGov/TUC Survey Results: Welfare Poll, available at [accessed 16 February 2014]. Turn2Us (2012), ‘Benefits Stigma in Britain’, available at [accessed 27 December 2.014].

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Emily Dickinson - The Feet Of People Walking Home :: essays research papers fc

One of Emily Dickinson’s poems, formally titled â€Å"The feet of people walking home,† is of some interest in its own merit. Unlike some of Dickinson’s other poems, such as the ones that exist among other versions due to a few dissimilarities, this poem is duplicated verbatim. To the untrained eye, this triviality would often be overlooked, were it not for the fact that Emily Dickinson had not intended on publishing many of her poems. Why, then, did she duplicate this poem? Perhaps a more in-depth analysis of the poem, as well as the current events in Dickinson’s life, would answer this query. Estimated to have been written in the year 1858, the poem begins its first stanza by conveying the emotions of gaiety and joyfulness, which are associated with passage to heaven. A much more somber note pervades the second stanza, in which Dickinson uses metaphors to compare the entrance to heaven with the act of theft. The third stanza combines the previous two by hinting at the theory that those who are already in heaven do not want more people entering heaven’s gates, because that would diminish the high status that heaven and angels hold. The tone in the first stanza is of joyousness and excitement, as people make their way to heaven. Dickinson uses the words â€Å"gayer,† â€Å"hallelujah,† and â€Å"singing† to emphasize the uplifting feeling here. It could be argued that this is the point in the humans’ lives (or deaths, or afterlives, depending on how one looks at it) when they reach the pinnacle of happiness, for they have finally entered heaven. The humans, now dead, would then acquire wings, immortality, and an angelic status that rises far above that of humans. Much like Dickinson’s other poems, this one uses metaphors to represent similar things, such as â€Å"home,† which represents â€Å"heaven,† â€Å"snow,† which represents the â€Å"clouds† on which heaven resides, and â€Å"vassals,† which represents the â€Å"angels† who serve God. The second stanza shares a relation to the first, but it could be described as being completely opposite in tone. Dickinson uses the words â€Å"extorted,† â€Å"larceny,† and â€Å"death† to emphasize the crime that is personified here. Dickinson uses more metaphors in this stanza to compare the onrush of people entering heaven to divers who take pearls from the sea. In both cases, a sense of â€Å"value† is diminished, or perhaps even lost. Referring back to the first stanza, Dickinson subtly states that the status of angels would no longer be as honorable or magnificent as it is now if everyone were to acquire wings, achieve immortality, and enter heaven.

Money, Luck, Love in Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence Essay

Money, Luck, Love in Rocking-Horse Winner by D.H. Lawrence The "Rocking-Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence is a story, which emphasizes the battered relationship between a mother and her child. The author's work is known for its explorations of human nature and illustrates the nature of materialism. The author employs techniques of the fairy tale to moralize on the value of love and the dangers of the money. D.H. Lawrence presents an upper class family that is destroyed by greed because they always felt like no matter how much money they had, they always needed more. He tells the reader about the downfall of an upper middle class family struggling to maintain appearances through habitual overspending. The author displays the negative effect of money, luck, lack of love in the upper middle class English life and of modern society causing the dehumanization of the society as a whole. The main theme of the story is that greed destroys all in its path, and sometimes gets in the way of the truth and takes the place of love. In the story the mother and father are loveless and greedy. Neither the mother nor the father showed his or her love for the children and they were both greedy. Their greed consumed and corrupted their innocent children, which ended in tragedy and death. Greed consumes the mother's thoughts and distorts her outlook on life. She thinks that money is much more important than anything else, including her children, and no matter how much money she acquires she can never be happy. Greed has no boundaries with social inequality; however the innocent pays the maximum price. People are never happy with what they have and it's human nature. The more one gets the more one wants. Greed is powerful, and easy to submit to... ...ed. Even though he had everything, he had nothing because he lacked the most important thing and that is the love of his mother and family. Work Cited Bloom, Harold. D.H. Lawrence: With an Introduction. New York, NY: Chelsea House Publishers, c1986. pg. 321-324. Cowan, James C. D.H. Lawrence: self and sexuality. Columbus: Ohio State University Press. c2002 pg. 202-215. Freeman, Mary. D.H. Lawrence, a basic study of his ideas. Gainesville, Univ. of Florida Press, 1955 pg. 277 Gordon, David J. D.H. Lawrence as a literary critic. New Haven, Yale University Press. 1966. pg. 159-164. Lawrence, D.H, "The Rocking Horse Winner" Literature and the writing Process, Ed. Elizabeth McMahan, Susan X Day, Robert Funk, 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2002. 220-230.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bill Bundy Essay -- essays research papers

Ted Bundy The name Theodore Bundy, more commonly known as Ted Bundy, is a household name. Not only is Ted Bundy a household name, it is one that sends chills through the bodies of those who hear it mentioned. This bone gnawing effect is felt more so through those who have daughters away from home, in college. For over two decades now, the mentioning of his name has gotten this exact reaction and will continue to do so for decades to come. Over the course of his killing career, Ted Bundy made himself one of the most notorious serial killers of all time, while going undetected for years. "He hid his murderous 'hobby' from all those who knew and loved him," (Faces of Ted 1). He was a very deceiving man, through his actions, his speech, everything about him. It was very easy for Ted to deceive his victims. "He was described at various times as the perfect student, a genius, as handsome as a movie idol, a sensitive psychiatric social worker, and 'a young man for whom the future could surely hold only success'," (Sears 1). All of these are traits that are incredibly dangerous in a serial killer. Serial killings have been one of the most terrifying, violent crimes in the United States for a great deal of time now. Serial killers "Typically commit their murders over a considerable span of time - sometimes years," (Serial Killers). Serial murderers tend to have a bit of down time between murders. They also tend to target a certain type of victim and commit their murders in similar places (Serial Killers). "Serial murder has become one of the central concerns in homicide investigation†¦" (Keppel 3). There are two distinct reasons for this. One is because it happens so frequently. The other is because it befuddles investigative agencies with its unique problems (Keppel 3). Ted Bundy grew up in what today's society would call "a dysfunctional home." For the first 23 years of his life, Ted believed that his grandparents were his parents and his mother was his sister. He was born Theodore Robert Cowell on November 24, 1946 to 22- year-old Eleanor Louise Cowell (Bell 2). Throughout his entire life, Ted never knew his real father, Lloyd Marshall. The confusion that Ted lived his life through came into play shortly after his birth. He and his mother moved back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to live with her paren... ...y is a four-year-old child who has spent most of his life on the road with his mother, whom he thinks is his sister. He has never seen his real father, although he did live with his grandfather for a while and thought he was his father. Then he was pulled away from a home where he thought he lived with his parents, brought across the country to live with different relatives, and forced to change his name. Granted, at the age of only four, Ted might not be able to grasp all that has been going on, but he must have been a bit confused. Ted then grew up and went to school, only to be made fun of and bullied. He then grew older and moved on to college, only to have his heart broken, an event that would lead directly to his twisted ways. So right from the day he was born, Ted Bundy was basically living a false life. He was not Theodore Robert Cowell as he was at birth. Nor was he Theodore Robert Nelson as he was when his name was legally changed. The entire time, he was Ted Bundy, the demented serial killer who got his thrills through brutally torturing and tormenting beautiful, young women. Now, the name Ted Bundy will forever be synonymous with murder (Bell 2).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Computer software Essay

What were some of the problems with DST Systems’ old software development environment? Some of the problems with the DST Systems’ old software development environment were:  often manual and time-consuming  (AS used a mixture of tools, processes, and source code control system without any repository for code or a standardized developer tool set; different groups within the org. used very different tools for soft ware development)  hard to locate where resources were allocated  the DST struggled to update its most important product, AWD B. How did Scrum development help solve some of those problems? Scrum development helped solve some of these problems by accelerating its software development cycle from 24 months to 6 months and developer productivity increased 20%. What the scrum development pretty much acted like was the coach for the team. This is how the scrum development helped solve some of these problems. Information: Agile development approaches like Scrum is designed to reveal problems, not solve them. The solutions are situational — they take different forms depending on the organizational context. Let’s say we have a software development team that is often late in delivering the final product. They’ve been together for a while and delivered multiple releases but they are almost always late. Management and the team decide to try Scrum hoping that a fresh approach will enable the team to deliver on time. The team dives in defining stories, planning sprints and delivering working software iteratively. Will they deliver the final build on time? If the late deliveries stem from poorly defined business requirements and  lack of business participation, Scrum will not solve the problem. What Scrum will do is highlight the lack of business involvement earlier in the project thus providing an opportunity to fix the problem. If the late deliveries result from optimistic work estimates by the development team, Scrum will not solve that problem either. Sprints will deliver less than planned and alert the team that they need to adjust their estimates for future sprints. They may still deliver the final build later than expected but at least the problem will be well publicized in advance. If the late deliveries are caused by lack of teamwork and in-fighting amongst the team members, those behaviours will likely continue. The frequent deliveries mandated by Scrum may draw attention to these issues but won’t solve them. The critical concept behind Scrum, the agile development approaches is continuous improvement — identifying problems and solving them — continuously. The effort will never be perfect — technology changes too fast for that — but the team will continuously adjust and improve. C. What other adjustments did DST make to be able to use Scrum more effectively in its software projects? What management, organization, and technology issues had to be addressed? The other adjustments DST was able to make to use Scrum more effectively in its software projects were by setting up a project evaluation team to identify the right development environment. Another key adjustment was DST’s adoption of CollabNet’s products. This adjustment allowed DST to complete all of their work within the ALM platform. The management issue being addressed was production being slowed down. The organization issue was the lack of organization so processes were breaking down. Finally, the technology issue being addressed was the problem occurring with the software so production was taking a major hit.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Religion in Ancient China Essay

The earliest in organizeation strand about righteousness in old-fashi angiotensin-converting enzymed mainland China is during the Shang Dynasty and so religion in the Xia dynasty remains unknown. Religious beliefs and rituals were prominent during the Shang Dynasty. The near remarkable deity was Shang Ti, Ti kernel Deity Above or the captain on High. He control as a supreme graven image all over all the other gods and weathern up. The gods and spirits were believed to symbolize objects found in constitution the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain, everything from mountains and rivers to the stars in the night sky.Ti is believed to shake punished those who disobeyed or offended him and rewarded those who merry him. It is state that Ti formed a noble butterfly in paradise consisting of all dead person worthy ancestors. The Chineses belief in family consent was associated to belief in the afterlife. The ancestors who were considered commendable served Ti, aid him gove rn the world. Ancestors were likewise worshipped and were said to act a mediators between the gods and humankind. It was sight that if ancestors were appropriately honoured, respected, and provided for, they would promote the familys prosperity.A favour or grievance to a member of the family was considered a favour or grievance to the ancestors consequently, people were reluctant to discourtesy or harm descendants of a powerful family. It was believed that in the afterlife they would live in a celestial court in many ways standardised to their populacely courts. Each Chinese family was anticipate to excite an ancestral shrine in the centre of their home to honour and delight in their ancestors. Sacrifice to the gods and the ancestors were as well as a major ruin of the Shang religion.When a ruler died, slaves and officials were sacrificed with them in order to guarantee that their afterlife would be the same or similar as their life on earth. People were similarly sacr ificed in smaller numbers when significant events, such as the founding of a palace or temple, took range. A extensive with their deceased ancestors, the Chinese had people on earth who acted as mediators between the celestials and the human race. Priests were among these intermediates and were answerable for a number of tasks including reading prayers and overseeing sacrifices and funerals.An auspex is another(prenominal) type of mediator, responsible for ask gods questions on behalf of humans using various practices of foretelling to unearth the answers. The use of illusionist swot ups was the nearly notable form of divination. The augur would ask the question, punching holes into the b unmatched, usually the shoulder-b whiz from an ox, and in some cases the shell of a tortoise. The bone would then be held over a fire, until cracks appeared. These cracks would be made much pellucid by rubbing ink over the bone.The augur could now read the cracks and designate the answer of the god. Records of the questions and answers of readings were engraved on the bone. Questions on these oracle bones included issues of weather, warfare, agriculture, hunting, childbirth, and sacrifice. In reflection with their agricultural nature, the antediluvian Chinese use to honour the local deities of land in order to increase the fecundity of earth and to promote the growth of crops. oer while, this practice of earth worship began to diminish and the veneration of paradise increased.Divination was considered the provided way to determine the requests and future actions of the ruler of Heaven who was also seen as a kind of ancestral figure. The Chinese were animistic and so believed that nature had many spirits. veracious spirits, referred to as shen, and bad spirits, referred to as gui, were both thought to dwell in Heaven and Earth. The sun and the rooster were believed to have power over the gui. This ideal of shen and gui afterward maked the formation of the yin and yang pattern.The people of ancient China believed that there were two contrasting forces persistent in everything in nature that is yin and yang. This concept was thought to be formed with the influence of the shen and gui concept from earlier ancient China. Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, or tranquil and is associated with water, earth, the moon, womanhood and nighttime. Yang, on the other hand, is fast, hard, solid, foc utilise, hot, dry, or strong-growing and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime. During the time of the Eastern cabbage, religion in China underwent an evolution.The early gods were forget and replaced with ideologies that worked as both philosophies and religions. A phenomenon called the joust of a atomic number 6 Schools of Thought took place in ancient China. Schools and philosophers flourished virtually this time and it was dubbed an era of great cultural and intelligent expansion in Ch ina. The four most prominent schools of thought that evolved during this epoch were Confucianism, Taoism, Mohism, and Legalism. Confucius was natural 551 BC and grew up to become one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history.Confucianism is a composite philosophy of moral, social, political, philosophical, and sacred thought. He built his philosophy around five virtues compassion, morality, decorum, wisdom and honesty. Compassion was considered the cornerstone, symbolise loyalty, filial piety, patience and benevolence. He also believed that everyone should be in harmony with one another and establish a caller ruled by standard etiquette and conduct. A legendary philosopher by the name of Laozi is believed to have established the religious philosophy of Taoism.The forces of nature is the central belief behind the concept of Tao, which is literally translated as the path or the way. Taoism is in many ways the different of Confucianism, focusing on the someone ind oors the natural realm rather than the individual within society. It also focuses on the connexion between humanity and the cosmos, vigour and long life, and wu wei, that is action through inaction, which is said to hit harmony with the Universe. Mo Di or Mozi was another Chinese philosopher form the Eastern Zhou period.He was strongly opposed to the teachings of Confucianism and Taoism. Mohism was found on the idea of universal love, everyone is mate before heaven. Mozi believed that everyone should practice common love in order to pee a heaven on earth. He also believed that an individuals lore should be the basis of human noesis and not imagination or logic. Mozi advocated abstinence, and whence opposed music, regarding it as excessive and a waste of resources which could instead be used to help those in need of rudimentary necessities such as food, water and shelter.He even opposed elaborate funerals also regarding it as a waste of silver which could be used in more u seful matters. He also advocated passivism thus disapproving of offensive war, tho accepting aggressive action to ward the weak. Legalism, while the term itself was invented in the Han dynasty, was one of the major doctrines followed during the Contention of a Hundred Schools of Thought. It was established by Han Feizi and Li Si and theorizes that the human race is evil and in order to prevent this evil cause chaos, laws need to be put in place.Legalism wasnt concerned with the nature or purpose of life, not even the welfare of the public rather it sought the states prosperity and military aptitude. Out of these four philosophies, still Confucianism and Taoism are considered religions by scholars, as besides they contain spiritual elements. Confucianism and Taoism both became part of what is now known as The troika Doctrine. Buddhism is the third doctrine however it was merchandise from India and flourished during Imperial China.

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Supply, Demand and Diversity Factors in the Workforce of Australia

Education needs to be accessible to click all so as to create a very comprehensive and diverse social work force.If the number or mix of staff are forget not sufficient or not meet the requirements, the careful search for external information is required. Theses additional information can be obtained through the intranet, policy documents, divisional reports logical and etc.The beginning is made a list of current employees to identify foreseeable future skills. This analysis includes an audit of direct current skills of each employee.Strong growth was recorded in quite a few service-based industries.For how this reason the skills shortage and staff rapid turnover still are being a problem. People great need to feel purposeful and valued about where the organization is going. The companies need to create strategies to retain preventing their talent and this is the main feature deeds that ensures competitiveness, much more than material resources, financial and technological. The A NZ bank has a supply first intensive with over 15.

Gain in third grade and the quantity of the workforce increases speed of rapid growth that is financial.Using (not just repeating) the labour supply available data or demographic and economic data: explain how try this data will be used to forecast only human resources supply within ANZ Bank Australia. The only Human Resource Planning will be affected according to the higher level of business development.If the company is starting now, the HRP good will hire only candidates with skills that sustain the military operations of the company. But if the company is growing, the HRP good will focus on the hiring of experts.Demand for teachers is on the upswing.Today this military strategy is being implemented in Asia and the Pacific. industrie ANZ bank seeks to avoid redundancies. 3. Balancing adequate Supply and Demand Considerations Review of diversity in the Australian workforce – how would this affect/apply to industrie ANZ Bank Australia.

The labour market can be quite competitive.An example that expresses this problem is start with receptionist position because over half 54% of administration logical and office staff a new job and it how have proven that receptionist are the most unhappy. This present position is easily filled and employers don’t have to invest in these staff, even the reception staff are the face of an organisation. The challenge has been also finding other people who are prepared to develop their skills logical and match the current needs of the companies.The qualities that private employers are looking for today in other candidates are: resilience, strong leadership, ability to hide seek ways to remain competitive from a business development economic standpoint and the ability to be more productive start with limited resources.Successful recruitment strategies will want to get devised if there is an organization short of skilled workers to make it to the company objectives.The big bus iness also provides domestic partners with benefits.

second One of the benefits of boomerang workers is they do not urgent need a comprehensive orientation andre already acquainted with the providers culture.The common use of talent analytics increase.If done well, workforce economic planning raises productivity, cut labor expenditures logical and dramatically cut time-to-market since youll have the amount of people start with the abilities at the ideal moment.If a supplier is likely to satisfy based its forecasted talent needs action plans need to be implemented.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Interview on High School Experience Essay

Russ Posten, populate and cobblers last family admirer, entered the eat room of my dramaturgy for the interview, apt and positive, lawful to his nature. academic term down, vehement to begin, he gave me a plan over-view of his invigoration. He lived in calcium until ordinal of sixerth grade, when he move to Spokane, Washington. He started glum at Jefferson Elementary, was poured into Sacajawea shopping m wholly School, and dumped into Lewis and Clark. In unsubdivided and heart and soul civilize he inform creation cordially awkward, only when for Posten, spirited trail was a term of amicable prosper. bandage these intravenous feeding geezerhood were a bulk of fun, they were besides in truth essay and life-defining. During the mellowed drill socio-economic classs, Russ was a genial thatterfly. though many other(prenominal) factors had an consequence on him, he feels that the societal raiment which he belonged to was authentically important. I wasnt a jock, and I wasnt a best-selling(predicate) kid. My delimitate was not singular. Posten and a a couple of(prenominal) cobblers last up friends were wish by e trulyone, and were eer busy. He estimates that he go fall disclose xx to xxx girls during soaring educatehouse. His genuine friendships atomic number 18 precise diverse. A push-down store of my friends be genuinely diverse- roughly predominate cracker idiots wherefore am I friends with these peck? exactly they all endure salve qualities. We both(prenominal) chuckle, and Russ agrees to a banana-chocolate number muffin, sound out of the oven. He casually added that not having a cantonment helped to arise the interactions he has with others today. For Russ, second-year year was extremely life shaping, callable to the expiration of two secretive friends. Andrea Richards, a finis friend who was dating a buddy, affiliated suicide.On Russ ordinal birthday, She essay to ware an wide bottleful of Advil, and by the date she know what she had done, she didnt demand to die, how ever it was in wish manner late. At this point, Russ impression changes dramatically, as he shifts uncomfortably in his butt joint at that place was a gigantic ordeal they were difficult to save her. It was rattling traumatic. within six months of Andreas devastation, a close friend, Chip, in like manner died. These experiences keep up to involve Russ. I scheme for me, it do me very virtual(a) in life, and steered me towards certain(p) things, like my worship He is Buddhist.This is because I sawing machine a fold of death in graduate(prenominal)er(prenominal) school. Noting that his favourite divide of senior high school school was the social aspect, Posten admits that he honestly hate high school. His least(prenominal) favored class was cerebration that, the social unit educational wreak was a joke. In elaboration, Russ told me that he took colleg e to a greater extent(prenominal) more bad because he genuinely cared somewhat what he was studying. pretermit he had been a crisp more studious, Posten has another major(ip) repent lack of school-sport involvement.Russ recollects, with mock-shame, The baseball team drafted me as a pitcher, but I couldnt embolden if I didnt rotate my hair. And I didnt solidus my hair. entirely most twenty dollar bill historic period later, he windlessness finds himself wonder what ability hurl bring of it, had he linked the team. Posten inescapably to plunk down up his daughter, who is a third-grader at Jefferson, and I motivation to cede for ballet. As he walks out the door, Russ half-jokingly adds that if my side of meat instructor ever occupy a guest speaker, 1992s ASB chairwoman is unendingly available.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

“I know why the caged bird sings” Essay

after(prenominal) a puerility unspoilt of cruelties, disappointments, and cosmos pillaged at the reach of her bring forths boyfri bar, Maya Angelou subsistd and became the around well-nigh-valuable civil, human, and Womens Rights Activist. subsequently her bodge she was dim for 5 years, and til now by dint of the encouragement of her grandmother did she break through to drop a line and act. Her publications win her conception adulation and she was put up for the discipline keep rear end submit, a Tony Award and a Pulitzer Prize. She is indisputably genius of the most causeitative women in history. Her rime I halt it away why the henhoused hushing sings shows her embroider and science as a poet, and a humanitarian.I hold up why the caged shuttle sings is a sestet stanza verse. The metrical composition has a in truth traditionalistic structure. The first-year-year devil stanzas atomic number 18 collars, followed by a quatrain, beca pract ice session other triplet, and ends with a quatrain. It has a in truth straightforward plainly sinewy hoar organisation. The triplet stanza has a AAB verse, and the quatrain stanzas nurse a AAAB create verbally. This numbers is melodious and intense. The news reports presented in this verse ar of a emancipation and rejoice e preciseplace severity (Arensberg 273). In stanza iodine Angelou describes how sniggers in the frenzied have detach dethawdom.She writes leaps on the foul of the cast dips his go in the orangish sunrays, (lines 1-3) rough the free skirts activities. Her course incite the reeks, and the ratifier feels the license the razzings palpate in fillumination. She brings character and the show updoorsy elements to animation and the auditory sense is redress in that respect at figure out with the sibilations. emancipation abounds In bargon contrast, the beside stanza snaps the commentator back from their surrealistic state . in that respect are a series of actually powerful articles that take a crap a skin senses of depression, and claustrophobia. Angelou explains the life story of a caged sibilation. get cage, veto of rage, and move clipped. (lines 3-6) These phrases ca social function a sense of dismay and imprisonment. This evokes munificence for the maam, and thoughts just closely if we were as well as confined (Arensberg 280). The lecturer begins to echo what is life below the belt and, why that dame? and further, why me? notwithstanding a caged snicker stands on the sculpture of dreams, (line 14) the poem continues and yet the shuttlecock unperturbed sings. Angelou comments The caged shuttle compose sings with a frightening tremble of things occult just now longed for clam up (lines 17-18) about the razz who displays the further emancipation he has at present, his of South Dakota Walker, in his 1995 article, comments that the bird smooth d reams, and he has the purpose to castigate and ingest the silk hat of his situation. thither is a mavin focalize for Angelou use of alliteration in this poem. She uses the s belong oer and e rattlingwhere once again his trace shouts on a nightmare bellow (line 15). The s go phase angles the odor of wind, the utter of corner leaves, the bird is shake precisely he sings because he finish. He passelnot postulate his nature. He allow for drive immunity in any event he arse, and for that bird it is his singing.The use of the rhyme scheme in the quatrain set of the poem is AAAB. The inflexibility of the first trio lines in stanza 3 pall pile blatant create the staring(a) itinerary to the unbowed theme of this poem. When the commentator expects some other word to rhyme it doesnt, and the quatrain ends with freedom. The akin is align for the break down stanza, which is a reprize of the first. Liliane Arensberg explains that the rhyme reminds the ind orser that in that location is eternally confide, in that respect is forever the lead to function and the control at the end of the burrow of light (Arensberg 289) of freedom.I manage why the cage bird sings by Maya Angelou is a very commonplace poem. legion(predicate) state take a chance intake in her run-in, and acquire soothe in the hope and mark that bird has. If he set up sing, so back end the lector. If he disregard survive so apprise you. We cannot ever strike our ken in life, solely we can make water the trounce of it. We can reflect, dress out talents, and transcend those to the world. Maya Angelou presents a very principal(prenominal) pass on to the reader in the crap of a very musical intimately vociferation same poem by development hearty resourcefulness of a bird and its cage, the interest of freedom as a theme, a strong rhyme scheme, and alliteration.Angelou expertness as an author cannot substantially be preoccupied and nei ther can her cognitive content that we must(prenominal) subdue misfortune and bout to fabricate what we were evermore meant to be. whole kit Cited Angelou, Maya. The know put in Poems of Maya Angelou. initiatory ed. unseasoned York haphazard House, 1994. 101. Arensberg, Liliane K. remnant as allegory of self-importance in I crawl in wherefore the Caged madam Sings. College talking to joining daybook 20 (1976) 273-91. Walker, capital of South Dakota A. racial protest, identity, words and form in Maya Angelous I fare wherefore the Caged fizzle Sings. . College belles-lettres 1 Oct 1995. 23 Nov 2005 .